Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Amen, Brother

Sometimes I read a blog post and it resonates with me -- expressing with clarity and vigor ideas that have been stewing around nascent inside me. Well, this post from John Cole (of Balloon Juice) [writing about Obama's speech today distancing himself from Reverand Wright] made me just want to stand up and holler. He's absolutely spot-on

And for those of you who don't read John regularly, he used to be a Republican. But the unremitting policy disasters of the past seven years have caused the scales to fall from his eyes.

Read and enjoy:

As to Wright himself, well, I have my own thoughts. First and foremost, I guess I am no longer the delicate fainting flower that most other bloggers and media commenters are these days. I spent several years in the early days of this blog being all sorts of outraged about petty bullshit. I spent days calling Ted Rall an asshole (he still is, I think), days opining about what an asshole Michael Moore is, and so on. I got my panties all in a bunch about Ward Churchhill (also a dick), and stupid things Bill Maher may or may not have said, and so on.

And you know what? They may be assholes, or jerks, or whatever term you want to use, but they sure as hell didn’t run this economy into the ground. They aren’t responsible for turning a huge surplus into a several hundred billion dollar deficit. I have yet to read any memos from Barbra Streisand detailing how we should spy on American citizens.

And so it is with Jeremiah Wright. Is he a jerk? I don’t think there is any argument to be made that lately he hasn’t in fact been one big, giant, puckered asshole. His ego tour the past few days was all about him, but so what? I blame the media as much as I blame him. Is it an offensive notion that the government created aids? Absolutely, but I refuse to get all bent out of shape about it, because the government that tortures people and ran the Tuskegee experiment and wiretapped MLK for years opens itself up to crazy accusations like that.

So Jeremiah Wright has acted like a jackass the past few days, and he may have acted supremely selfishly by hurting Obama’s electoral chances. Regardless, he may be a flawed man, but that does not undo all the good he has done over the years. I don’t know of any bloggers with thirty years of service to the poor and the indigent. Get back to me when Chris Matthews feeds hungry people for three decades. . . .

Maybe it is because I am totally and unrepentantly in the tank for Obama, but I just can’t get worked up over what his pastor said. Maybe it is because I am not religious, and I am used to religious people saying things that sound crazy. Or maybe I just refuse to spend any more time and energy getting worked up over and denouncing, distancing, and rejecting the wrong people- people who really don’t matter in the big scheme of things. If you have a memo from Jeremiah Wright to John Yoo showing how we should become a rogue nation, let me know. If you have pictures of Jeremiah Wright voting against the GI Bill, send it to me. If you have evidence of Jeremiah Wright training junior soldiers on the finer aspects of stacking and torturing naked Iraqi captives, pass them on.

Until then, I just can’t seem to get all worked up about the crazy scary black preacher that Obama has to “throw under the bus.”

Now, let me apologize (to the two or three people who might be checking in here) that I haven't written anything particularly interesting or insightful about my life, thoughts, emotions, or ideas lately. It's been a combination of a lack of time coupled with a lack of inspiration. I really admire those bloggers out there (yeah, you Christie) who manage to come up with something witty every day.


Anonymous said...

I second ALL of that...thanks for the shout out Andy!

Love and admiration from your witty sister. I would also like to include brilliant and charming as well.

Anonymous said...

I second (or third, or whatever) your sentiments (tha should qualify as an "Amen, Brother"). By the way, your sister's name is spelled Christy not Christie. Don't feel too bad, I mis-spelled my daughter's name on the card for her bassinet at the hospital. We're men, we can't help ourselves. Join me in the man prayer "I'm a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess." Quote from Red Green of Canadian Public Television. Signed, Steve

Anonymous said...

Oops, sorry Christy.

I've been meaning to talk to her about the spelling of her name. I think it would be a lot easier on everyone if she just switched to "ie" instead of "y". :-)

Anonymous said...

I'll consider that...uh, no. It would require far too much paper work.