I was just looking through my phone and came across these pics from when my kids were up visiting for April vacation.
These were taken Monday, April 7, 2008 at Bretton Woods (which has become my new favorite ski area in NH).

What a glorious day it was -- temperatures started out in the 30's, but by mid-morning it was up in the 50's and it got up into the high 60's as the afternoon went on. When we stopped for a late lunch, there were folks sunbathing on the picnic tables.

It's not like anything remarkable happens when we are skiing -- no deep insights or breakthrough moments. But it's our time together. A big block of time that we get to spend together, with no interruptions, hanging out, talking on the chairlift about whatever comes up.

What a glorious day it was -- temperatures started out in the 30's, but by mid-morning it was up in the 50's and it got up into the high 60's as the afternoon went on. When we stopped for a late lunch, there were folks sunbathing on the picnic tables.

I'm so grateful to be able to shares these times with Emma and James. I was telling them about when I was their age, that my father (who had been an excellent skiier as a young man) never skiied with us. My kids were really puzzled by that -- they couldn't understand why not -- and I didn't have a good answer for them. It just seemed like the way things were. Mom and Dad dropped us off at the ski area in the morning and they went off and did whatever grown-ups do (lunch dates? shopping?). I didn't feel like I was missing anything. But now looking back, through the eyes of my own kids, I know that my Dad really missed out.
It's not like anything remarkable happens when we are skiing -- no deep insights or breakthrough moments. But it's our time together. A big block of time that we get to spend together, with no interruptions, hanging out, talking on the chairlift about whatever comes up.
Our father's both missed out. I would not give any of these memories up for anything. Emma and I ski and sing, while you and James head for the glades... Truly some of the best times of my life.
The times we ski together are remarkable. I am looking forward to our summer camping excursions and our days by the dam. I can't wait for the kids to come back!!
By the way, you are a terrific addition to the ski team, sweetie.
I find that when you are along, the mood is often lighter, and at the same time, more easygoing. The kids really seem to enjoy you being there.
Oh my GOD you two! Get a room for Christ's sake! :) teasing...anyway, I'm glad you had such a good time w/the kids when they were up. I'm sure they will cherish the memories you made.
See ya "sweetie"
Oh that's right. I'm supposed to be the neutral site monitor (webmaster, site administrator, whatever). But who are we really kidding -- there are really only four of us here. :-P
The mood is lighter because I talk about farts, pooping, and belching.
That's why the kids love me, I'm the "cool" one.
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